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Bylaws of the Rotaract Club of Vancouver Young Professionals

Effective January 1, 2023 (Amended: May 2024, June 2024).

Table of Contents

Article 1 — Definitions

Article 2 — Roles

Article 2.1 — Role of VYP

Article 2.2 — Role of the Board

Article 2.3 — Role of Members

Article 2.4 — Relationship between the Board and Members

Article 3 — Membership

Article 3.1 — Fees and Dues

Article 3.2 — Process of Admitting Members

Article 3.3 — Attendance, Leave of Absence, and Resignation

Article 3.4 — Conduct

Article 3.5 — Disciplinary Process

Article 3.7 — Suspension, Reinstatement, and Termination

Article 4 — Meetings

Article 4.1 — Regular Meetings

Article 4.2 — Annual General Meeting

Article 4.3 — Board Meetings

Article 4.4 — Special Board Meetings

1. The Board may hold special closed meetings to discuss sensitive and/or disciplinary items.

2. Special meetings of the Board are called with at least three (3) days’ notice by the President or upon the request of two (2) Members in writing to the Board.

3. There must a quorum of two-thirds (⅔) of Board Members to consider a vote or disciplinary action at a Special Meeting

Article 5 — Elections and Terms of Office

Article 6 — Committees

Article 7 — Sponsor Club Obligations

Article 8 — Amendments

Addendum A – Standard Rotaract Club Constitution

Addendum B – Board Position Descriptions

Addendum C – Rotary Code of Conduct

Addendum D – The Four-Way Test

Addendum E – Anti-Harassment Policy

Addendum F – Table of Fees

Article 1 — Definitions 

  1. Board: The governing body of the Club.
  2. Director: Non-Officer Board member.
  3. Good Standing: Financial obligations to the Club, and attendance requirements have been met. 
  4. Governing Documents: These Bylaws, The Standard Rotaract Club Constitution (Addendum A), the Rotary Code of Conduct (Addendum B), the Four-Way Test (Addendum C), and all rules, policies, and procedures relevant to VYP and/or RI.
  5. Member: All members of the club (including Prospective Members).
  6. Officer: The office of President, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer.
  7. Prospective Member: A person who is interested in joining the Club.
  8. RI: Rotary International.
  9. Term: The 12-month service period beginning 1 July and ending June 30 the following year.
  10. Sponsor Club: The Rotary Club of Vancouver 
  11. VYP/Club: The Rotaract Club of Vancouver Young Professionals.

Article 2 — Roles 

Article 2.1 — Role of VYP

  1. Provide an environment for its Members to serve the needs of the local community, and provide opportunities to develop professional relationships, through a framework of friendship and service.

Article 2.2 — Role of the Board

  1. The Board is the Club’s governing body, entrusted with the management of VYP in accordance with the Governing Documents. 
  2. Board Members are elected annually in accordance with these bylaws.
  3. The Board must be made up of at least the four Officer positions and not more than six Directors.
  4. Board Members must:
    1. Act in the best interest of VYP and Demonstrate leadership and guidance to Members through their work ethic, commitment, and dedication.
    2. Facilitate communication between VYP and its Sponsor Club.
    3. Perform duties and responsibilities according to the position description and the targeted objectives associated with their role(s) (Addendum E).
    4. Conduct themselves professionally and not take advantage of their Board position to undertake actions or activities that may cause harm and detriment to the Club, its Members, or the community.
    5. Prepare an annual report to appraise Members of VYP’s operations and financial situation at least fifteen (15) days before the AGM. 
    6. Prepare an annual budget of estimated income and expenditures for the upcoming Term, at least fifteen (15) days before the Term commences. 
    7. If requested, provide Club documents to Members in Good Standing to review.
      1. The Board may choose to redact sensitive parts of documents provided to Members. 
  5. The Board is expected to manage the Club’s finances in a responsible manner, including;
    1. The Treasurer will deposit Club funds in a financial institution/s as designated by the Board.
    2. The Treasurer and one (1) other Board Member must approve expenses, prior to purchase.  
    3. Bills are paid by the Treasurer or authorized Board Member, and approved by one (1) other authorized Board Member.
    4. When necessary, a qualified individual or company shall conduct a thorough annual review of all financial transactions and assist the Treasurer and the Board in filing any relevant tax documents, as necessary.

Article 2.3 — Role of Members

  1. Abide by the VYP Governing Documents. 
  2. Always conduct themselves professionally when with individuals and organizations associated with VYP.
  3. Cooperate with the Board in all aspects, so far as is reasonably practical, in achieving VYP’s objectives.
  4. Commit to acts of service within VYP, which include VYP Services, Local Community Services, International Services, and Professional Development.
  5. Treat all Members of the Club, the Board, RI, and the community with respect and professionalism, recognizing the diverse backgrounds and values of those they interact with.
  6. Work with the Board and other Members to achieve Club goals, as set out by the Board and in accordance with the VYP Governing Documents.

Article 2.4 — Relationship between the Board and Members

  1. The Board and Members should seek to establish a professional working relationship, that recognizes the diverse values and backgrounds of each other to achieve targeted outcomes.
  2. Each Member understands their own duties and responsibilities and acknowledges the limitations of the scope of practices, delegations, and authorities in relation to their role.

Article 3 — Membership 

  1. VYP will endeavor to foster a diverse membership. 
  2. No individual will be denied membership based on race, color, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression.
  3. VYP shall not impose any membership condition not explicitly allowed by the Governing Documents. 

Article 3.1 — Fees and Dues

  1. All fees and dues, as set out in Addendum F, must be paid before a Member will be considered in Good Standing.
  2. Annual dues are payable at the beginning of each Term.
    1. Returning Members will be issued invoices, at least thirty (30) days before the end of the Term. 
    2. For new Members, current Term dues will be prorated. 

Article 3.2 — Process of Admitting Members

  1. A Member may propose a Prospective Member, a Prospective Member may make a request, or another Club may propose one of its transferring or former Members to be a Prospective Member. 
  2. Prospective Members must:
    1. Complete an online membership application form.
    2. Attend two (2) Regular Meetings.
    3. Attend two (2) other Club functions, including:
      1. Community or international service events
  1. Service on a club or district-level committee
  1. Club social events (max. 1).
  1. Other Rotary or Rotaract club events (max 1).

(amended May 2024)

  1. Pay the New Member Administration Fee and any prorated dues.  
  2. The Board will approve or reject a membership application within ninety (90) days and notify the Prospective Members of its decision. 

Article 3.3 — Attendance, Leave of Absence, and Resignation

  1. Each Member of the Club must attend at least 50% of this Club’s Regular Meetings. 
  2. Any Member absent from a Regular Meeting may make up for an absence in any of the following ways:
    1. Attend a regular meeting of any other Rotaract Club or Rotary Club.
    2. Attend and participate in a Club service project or a Club-sponsored community event.
    3. Attend a convention or preconvention of RI, a Rotary or Rotaract district or multi-district conference or training seminar, or other meeting authorized by the Board.
  3. Members may request a leave of absence in writing to the Board, providing a reason and duration for the proposed leave of absence.
  4. The Board will consider a leave of absence or excuse an absence if:
    1. The reason(s) for the absence is appropriate.
    2. The absence complies with the conditions and circumstances set by the Board.
    3. The absence does not reflect an intention to avoid duties and responsibilities specific to the Member’s role.
  5. A leave of absence does not operate to prevent the forfeiture of membership. Members must always comply with these by-laws when they engage in any business or activity associated with the Club.
  6. If a Member in Good Standing does not want to continue as a Member of VYP, then such Member must submit their resignation in writing to a Board Member.
    1. The Board will process the resignation in all systems within thirty (30) days of receipt of the resignation. 

Article 3.4 — Conduct 

  1. The Board will enforce the Governing Documents and will address any misconduct by Members in accordance with these provisions. 
  2. Member conduct that may lead to further action by the Board includes, but is not limited to:
    1. Bullying and/or harassing conduct or communication towards Members, the community, or external stakeholders of the Club.
    2. Failing to meet role expectations.
    3. Failing to meet Club financial obligations or misusing Club funds or property. 
    4. Failing to meet attendance requirements.
    5. Conduct that brings the Club into disrepute.
    6. Disclosing confidential or proprietary information, including passwords without consent of the Board.
    7. Willful damage or theft of property belonging to the Club, Members, and/or guests of the Club.
    8. Using VYP information for personal advantage or private, commercial, or business transactions without authorization by the Board.
    9. Using the VYP name, logo, and/or copyrighted documents without authorization by the Board.
    10. Forwarding chain emails or messages to an individual or groups without the consent of the sender or user.
    11. Making unauthorized statements or representations on behalf of VYP.
  3. If a Member is concerned about the conduct of another Member, they should send a written complaint to any member of the Board, or the Sponsor Club’s designated liaison for the Club. 
  4. All matters of misconduct, in relation to the Club, will be taken seriously and will be brought to the attention of the President.
    1. If the President is the subject of a misconduct complaint, the misconduct shall be brought to the attention of the Vice President.
  5. Any allegation of criminal behavior will be referred to local law enforcement.

Article 3.5 — Disciplinary Process

  1. If the Board receives a complaint that it determines is minor and does not require formal disciplinary action.
    1. The Board may have an informal conversation with the subject of the complaint.
    2. The person who made the complaint will be notified in writing of any action taken.
    3. No formal documentation will be retained.
  2. If the Board receives a complaint that it determines is not minor and requires formal disciplinary action, then the Board must;
    1. Notify the subject of the complaint about the complaint in writing.
    2. Provide a reasonable opportunity to respond. The Board may set a deadline for a response.
    3. A Member who receives written notification of a complaint may:
      1. Respond in writing.
      2. Request a Special Meeting with the Board to respond to the complaint.
        1. The Member who is the subject of a Special Meeting may choose to be represented by counsel.
        2. The Board may invite a member of the Sponsor Club or the Rotaract District Representative to attend a Special Meeting in an advisory capacity. 
    4. Disciplinary action could include;
      1. A written warning.
      2. Conditions for participation in upcoming events.
      3. Suspension of membership for a set period of time.
      4. Suspension of membership with conditions that can be met for reinstatement. 
      5. Removal of position and title from the Board or a Committee.
      6. Termination of membership.
      7. Or, any other reasonable penalty or resolution that would lead to a just and equitable resolution of the complaint.
    5. The Board cannot discipline a Member who is the subject of a complaint until the Member has had a reasonable opportunity to respond to the complaint.
      1. If the Board concludes that the misconduct complained of is egregious, the Board may choose to suspend the Member pending the outcome of a disciplinary hearing. 
  3. A Board Member must recuse themselves from a disciplinary hearing if they:
  1. Involved in a romantic relationship with the Member who made the complaint or is the subject of the complaint.
  2. The immediate family of the Member who made the complaint or is the subject of the complaint.
  3. Unable to act impartially, or if their participation will create actual or perceived bias.
  4. The subject of the complaint.
  5. The Board must provide notice in writing of its decision, and any disciplinary action that it will take to:
  1. The Member who made the complaint.
  2. The Member who was the subject of the complainant.

Article 3.6 — Suspension, Reinstatement, and Termination

  1. A suspended member will not have any access to Club services. 
  2. The Board will reinstate the membership of a suspended Member if they have met the conditions set out in their suspension.
  3. The Board will terminate a Member that: 
  1. Has resigned from the Club in writing; 
  2. Contravenes these Bylaws or the Governing Documents in a manner that the Board determines is severe and egregious and cannot be corrected by a suspension.
  3. Does something that is illegal in their capacity as a Member of the Club.
  1. The Board will notify any Member that their membership is being terminated in writing.
  2. Membership will automatically terminate upon termination of the Club.

Article 4 — Meetings

  1. At least one-third (⅓) of the Board must be present at a meeting of the Club.
  2. The President will chair meetings. If the President is not able to chair a meeting, then;
    1. The Vice President will chair the meeting. 
    2. If the Vice President is unable to chair the Meeting, then; the Board Members present at the meeting will select another Board Member to chair the Meeting.

Article 4.1 — Regular Meetings

  1. Regular Meetings will be held to conduct club business on the 1st Monday of each month which is not a public holiday.
    1. Regular Meetings that fall on a public holiday will be held the following Monday. 
    2. The Board will provide reasonable notice of any change or cancellation of a Regular Meeting to Members.
  2. There must be a quorum of one-third (⅓) of Members in Good Standing to consider a vote or election at a Regular Meeting. 
  3. Regular Meetings can be held in person, or through video-conferencing technology.

 Article 4.2 — Annual General Meeting

  1. The Annual General Meeting must be held at least fourteen (14)  days before the end of the current Term.
  2. At the Annual General Meeting, the Board must present an annual report on the financial affairs of the Club and introduce the incoming Board for the next Term.
  3. There must be a quorum of one-third (⅓) of Members in Good Standing to consider a vote or election at an Annual General Meeting. 

Article 4.3 — Board Meetings

  1. In addition to Regular Meetings, the Board must meet at least once per month. Each Term’s Board may choose the schedule that suits them. 
  2. Any Member in Good Standing may attend a Board Meeting to observe, but will not be permitted to:
    1. Vote on Board business.
    2. Address the meeting except with permission of the chairperson.
    3. Observe the portion of the Board meeting where the Board deals with complaints of misconduct or disciplinary action against a Member.  
  3. There must be a quorum of two-thirds (⅔) of Board Members to consider a vote, one (1) of whom must be the President or Vice President.

Article 4.4 — Special Board Meetings

  1. The Board may hold special closed meetings to discuss sensitive and/or disciplinary items. 
  2. Special meetings of the Board are called with at least three (3) days’ notice by the President or upon the request of two (2) Members in writing to the Board.
  3. There must a quorum of two-thirds (⅔) of Board Members to consider a vote or disciplinary action at a Special Meeting

Article 5 — Elections and Terms of Office

  1. Elections for Board and Office positions will be held annually at least sixty (60) days before the end of the Term. 
  2. Election for the office of President may be held prior to the election of other Board and Officer positions.
  3. The Board will notify Members of an election at least sixty (60) days before the election is held. 
  4. The Board will open nominations at least thirty (30) days before the election. 
  5. Any Member may present a nomination in writing or from the floor of a Regular Meeting, or both. 
  6. Members must be in Good Standing to accept a nomination. 
  7. A nominee must receive the majority of the votes from Members in Good Standing to be elected.
  8. Board elections will be held by electronic poll.
  9. Elected Board Members will sit for one (1) Term.
  10. If any member of the Board vacates their position during their Term, the remaining Board Members may appoint a replacement for the remainder of the Term.
  11. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, no person shall occupy the same office or role on the Board for a period of more than three (3) consecutive Terms. 

Article 6 — Committees

  1. The Board may appoint any RI Standard committees, additional committees, or special committees as necessary or convenient for the administration of the Club, citing their duties in writing at the time of appointment.

Article 7 — Sponsor Club Obligations 

  1. An annual meeting of Members in Good Standing, the Board, and the Sponsor Club shall be held no later than July 1 each year for the purpose of reaffirming the responsibilities and commitment of the sponsorship relationship. One or more Members of the Sponsor Club shall attend no fewer than 50% of regular meetings of the Club annually.

Article 8 — Amendments

  1. These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the Members in Good Standing at any Regular Meeting or AGM at which a quorum is present, provided that, at least fourteen (14) days before such meeting is to be held, the Board provides in writing:
    1. notice to Members that the Board will put amendments to the Bylaws to a vote; and
    2. the exact wording of the proposed amendment. 
  2. The wording of the proposed bylaws cannot be changed on the floor of a meeting where it is to be voted on, except for corrections of purely grammatical or typographical nature. 
  3. Changes to these bylaws must be consistent with VYP Governing Documents.


Addendum A – Standard Rotaract Club Constitution

[Revised by the RI Board of Directors, Decision 67, November 2020] 

Article 1 — Name 

The name of this organization shall be the Rotaract Club of Vancouver Young Professionals. 

This organization shall be sponsored by the Rotary Club of Vancouver. 

Article 2 — Purpose 

The purposes of this club are for:  

Rotary members to recognize the positive change implemented by young adults through an active and personal commitment to empower young adults and young professionals to take action through community and international service, develop leadership skills through professional development, and gain a global perspective that fosters world peace and cultural understanding as partners in service; and for 

Students and young professionals to take action through community and international service that creates sustainable solutions to local and global challenges, connect with the global community of Rotary to expand professional networks, exchange ideas with leaders, and cultivate lifelong friendship around the world, develop skills to become community and global leaders, make friends locally and globally, and have fun while recognizing the importance of Service Above Self. 

Article 3 — Sponsorship 

1. The sponsor(s) of this Rotaract club, through a joint committee, the number of members which shall be determined by the club, shall provide guidance and support to this Rotaract club. 

2. This club is not a part of, and neither this club nor its members have any rights or privileges with respect to, the sponsor club(s). 

3. This club is a non-political, non-sectarian organization. 

4. This Rotaract may be university-based* or community-based. Where the Rotaract club is university-based, control and counsel by the sponsor club(s) shall be exercised in full cooperation with university authorities, with the understanding that such clubs are subject to the same regulations and policies established by the university authorities for all student organizations and extracurricular activities of the university.  

5. To maintain active certified status from RI, this club’s president shall update club and membership information to RI each year no later than 30 June. Failure to submit updated club and membership information to RI annually will result in termination. 

*As used in this constitution, the term “university” is intended to include all institutions of higher education. 

Article 4 — Membership 

1. Eligible members should be students and young professionals of good character and leadership potential aged 18 and over. 

2. In order to successfully establish, maintain, and grow a new Rotaract club, it is recommended, but not mandated, that there be a minimum of 12 members before starting a new club. 

3. The method of admitting new members to this club, as provided in the bylaws, shall be determined by this club in consultation with the sponsor club(s). The method of admitting new members of university-based Rotaract clubs shall have the approval of the appropriate university authorities. 

4. Membership shall automatically terminate (a) upon termination of the club; or (b) upon failure to meet attendance requirements unless excused by the board of directors of this club for good and sufficient reason. 

5. Membership may be terminated for cause, as determined by this club by vote of not less than 2/3 of all the members in good standing. 

Article 5 — Meetings 

1. The club shall meet as provided in the bylaws, at a time and place suited to the convenience of the members. 

2. Attendance may be in person, through online meetings, or using online connections for members whose attendance otherwise would be precluded.  

3. The board of directors shall meet as provided in the bylaws. 

4. Meetings of the club and of the board of directors may be canceled during holiday or vacation periods or for cause at the discretion of the board of directors.  

Article 6 — Committees 

The president, with the approval of the board, may appoint standing or special committees as necessary or convenient for the administration of the club, citing their duties at the time of appointment. All special committees shall lapse upon the completion of their duties or upon discharge by the president. 

Article 7 — Officers and Directors 

1. The officers of this club shall be a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and such additional officer(s) as provided in the bylaws. 

2. The governing body of this club shall be a board of directors composed of the president, immediate past president (if available), vice president, secretary, treasurer, and additional directors whose number shall be determined by this club, all to be elected from among the members in good standing. All decisions, policies, and actions of the board and of the club shall be subject to the provisions of this constitution and policy established by Rotary International. 

  If university-based, this club shall be subject to the same regulations and policies established by the appropriate authorities for all student organizations and extracurricular activities of the university.  

  The board of directors shall have general control over all officers and committees and may, for good cause, declare any office vacant. It shall constitute a board of appeals from the rulings of all officers and actions of all committees. 

3. Elections of officers and directors shall be held annually by methods compatible with local customs and procedures, as provided in the bylaws, but in no case shall more than simple majority of the members present and in good standing be required for elections. 

  The term of office of all officers and directors shall be one year, unless a shorter term is provided in the bylaws.  

4. All incoming Rotaract club officers, directors, and committee chairs shall be provided with leadership training from the district Rotaract committee. 

Article 8 — Activities and Projects 

1. This club shall be responsible for planning, organizing, financing, and conducting its own activities and shall itself supply money, labor, and creative imagination necessary thereto, except in the case of joint projects or activities undertaken in cooperation with other organizations, such responsibility shall be shared with such other organization(s). 

2. This club shall undertake among its activities at least two major service projects annually, one designed to serve the community and the other designed to serve the international community, and each shall involve all or most of the members of the club. 

3. It is the responsibility of the club to raise the funds necessary to carry out its program. It should not solicit or accept more than occasional or incidental financial assistance from Rotary club(s) or other Rotaract clubs. Sponsor clubs may provide financial support when mutually agreed upon. All funds raised for service projects must be expended for that purpose. 

Article 9 — Fees and Dues 

1. All sponsor club(s) must pay a certification fee to Rotary International, set by the RI Board of Directors, for new or reinstated Rotaract clubs. 

2. Fees, dues, or assessments on the membership of the club may be levied for the purpose of meeting the administrative costs of the club. Funds for activities and projects undertaken by the club shall be raised apart from such fees, dues, or assessments and shall be placed into a separate account. A thorough audit by a qualified person shall be made once each year of all the club’s financial transactions. 

3. Rotaract clubs should establish financial guidelines to ensure that all funds are managed in a responsible and transparent manner, including all monies collected to support service projects, consistent with laws and banking regulations in the country, including plans for disbursement of funds should the Rotaract club disband or be terminated. 

Article 10 — Acceptance of Constitution and Bylaws 

Every member of the club, by acceptance of membership, thereby accepts the principles of Rotaract as expressed in its purpose and agrees to comply with the constitution and bylaws of this club, and on these conditions alone is entitled to the privileges of the club. No member shall be absolved from the observance of the constitution and bylaws on the plea that a copy of them has not been received. 

Article 11 — Bylaws 

The club shall adopt bylaws, together with such amendments as are not inconsistent with this constitution and which may be deemed necessary or convenient for the governance of the club, provided that such amendments are adopted in accordance with the amendment procedure prescribed in the “Recommended Rotaract Club Bylaws.” 

Article 12 — Name and logo 

The name and logo of Rotaract shall be used exclusively by Rotaract members. Each member of this club shall be entitled to wear or otherwise display the Rotaract name and logo in a dignified 

and appropriate manner during the period of membership. Such entitlement shall be relinquished upon termination of membership or termination of this club. 

Article 13 — Duration 

This club shall exist so long as it continues to function in accordance with the provisions of this constitution and policy relating to Rotaract established by Rotary International, or until it is terminated: 

a) by Rotary International, with or without the consent, approval or concurrence of the sponsor club, for: 

1) failure to function in accordance with its constitution 

2) initiating, or maintaining, or retaining in its membership an individual who initiates or maintains litigation against a Rotary district, Rotary International, or The Rotary Foundation, including their directors, trustees, officers, and employees, or 

3) for other cause 

b) by its sponsor club(s), or 

c) by the Rotaract club itself upon its own determination. 

Upon termination of this club, all rights and privileges relating to the Rotaract name and logo shall be relinquished by the club and by its members individually and collectively. 

Article 14 — Administration 

This constitution shall be amended only by the Board of Directors of Rotary International, and all amendments to this prescribed “Standard Rotaract Club Constitution” shall be automatically adopted by each Rotaract club. 


Addendum B – Rotary Code of Conduct

  1. Exemplify the core value of integrity in all behaviors and activities
  2. Use my vocational experience and talents to serve in Rotary
  3. Conduct all of my personal, business, and professional affairs ethically, encouraging and fostering high ethical standards as an example to others
  4. Be fair in all dealings with others and treat them with the respect due to them as fellow human beings
  5. Promote recognition and respect for all occupations which are useful to society
  6. Offer my vocational talents: to provide opportunities for young people, to work for the relief of the special needs of others, and to improve the quality of life in my community
  7. Honor the trust that Rotary and fellow Rotarians provide and not do anything that will bring disfavour or reflect adversely on Rotary or fellow Rotarians
  8. Not seek from a fellow Rotarian a privilege or advantage not normally accorded others in a business or professional relationship


Addendum C – The Four-Way Test

  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?


Addendum D – Anti-Harassment Policy

Vancouver Young Professionals Rotaract (VYP) is committed to maintaining an environment that promotes safety, courtesy, dignity, and respect. All Members and individuals attending or participating in Rotary or Rotaract events or activities have the right to an environment free of harassment.

Harassment is broadly defined as any conduct, verbal or physical, that denigrates, insults or offends an individual or group of individuals based on any characteristic (age, race, color, place of origin, ability, religion, socioeconomic status, culture, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity).

Prohibited harassment includes, but is not limited to, the following behavior:

  • Verbal conduct such as epithets, derogatory jokes or comments, slurs or unwanted sexual advances, invitations or comments;
  • Bullying, such as repeated, aggressive behavior intended to hurt another individual physically, mentally, or emotionally;
  • Visual displays such as derogatory and/or sexually-explicit posters, photography, cartoons, drawings or gestures;
  • Physical conduct including but not limited to: assault; unwanted touching; and intentional confinement or restriction of others by physical contact, verbal or physical threats, or intimidation.
  • Implicit or explicit threats or demands to submit to sexual requests as a condition of receiving a benefit related to the Club, or to avoid a loss or damage related to the Club; and
  • Retaliation for reporting or threatening to report harassment.

Any person who believes they or anyone else has been harassed in violation of this policy should submit a complaint to the Club’s Board as soon as possible. The complaint should include details of the incident or incidents, names of the individuals involved, and names of any witnesses. All harassment complaints submitted to the Board will immediately be the subject of a thorough and objective investigation of the harassment allegations. If the Board determines that harassment has occurred, effective remedial action will be taken in alignment with the standards set out in Article 3.5 – Disciplinary Process of the VYP By-Laws and other Governing Documents. The Board may report the complaint to the Sponsor Club or RI and may seek guidance from those bodies.  The Board will take all reasonable precautions to protect the privacy of those involved and expects that all parties involved treat the matters with prudence, confidentiality and discretion. If the Board considers the complained of behavior to be criminal in nature, they may forward the complaint and other relevant information to law enforcement agencies having jurisdiction over the matter. 

VYP will not retaliate against any member for filing a complaint and will not tolerate or permit retaliation by the Club or other Rotaractors. 


Addendum E – Board Position Descriptions


The president’s primary role is to lead the Club and preside at all meetings of the Club and Board of directors. The president also motivates, inspires, and coaches Club committees to ensure that the Club’s professional and leadership development activities and service projects are successful.

Suggested responsibilities:

  • Conduct Club meetings with detailed agendas that allow enough time for reports from Officers and Committee Members.
  • Chair meetings of the Board of directors.
  • Appoint all standing and special committees, with Board approval, and serve as an ex officio Member of all committees.
  • Appoint committee chairs based on individuals’ experience, and seek their opinions about committee Members.
  • Delegate responsibilities to help Members develop their skills for future Club leadership roles.
  • Encourage Club Members to get involved in projects that build on their skills and interests.
  • Ensure that Club activities and service projects are successfully promoted and executed.
  • Support a Membership strategy that encourages diversity.
  • Communicate and collaborate with the adviser, sponsor Club Members and district Rotaract Officers. 
  • Resolve conflict among Club Members and ensure Club culture and environment encourages diversity, equity, and inclusion, and are free from any form of harassment.
  • Update Club and Membership data every year by 30 June through the Club Administration page on My Rotary.

Vice president

The vice president’s primary role is to support the president. Some Clubs may choose to have the incoming president serve as vice president.

Suggested responsibilities:

  • Preside over meetings in the president’s absence.
  • Serve on the Board of directors and as an ex officio Member of all committees.
  • Handle special assignments as directed by the president.
  • Stay current on Club goals and activities.
  • Succeed to the office of president if a vacancy occurs.


The secretary’s primary responsibility is to help the Club function efficiently. The secretary should be well organized and have good communication skills.

Suggested responsibilities:

  • Maintain all Club records, including Membership, committee appointments, attendance, dues payments, and important Club documents such as the Club’s certificate of organization, budgets, and reports.
  • Notify the district leaders of Members who are interested in joining a Rotary Club, either as a current Rotaractor or after leaving Rotaract.
  • Provide Club and Member information to the president for required annual updates to Rotary.
  • Take minutes — a clear, concise written record of meeting discussions and actions — at all Club meetings.


The treasurer oversees all funds and maintains accurate financial records, ensures transparency in financial operations, and responds to inquiries from Club Members and sponsor Clubs, if applicable. The treasurer should be a responsible, detail-oriented person.

Suggested responsibilities:

  • Collect Membership dues.
  • Manage all money collected from dues and all proceeds from fundraising projects.
  • Pay all Club bills and reimbursements for Club expenses.
  • Prepare and administer the budget.
  • Prepare monthly reports that accurately detail the Club’s finances and expenses
  • Ensure that the Club complies with all government financial reporting requirements.
  • Prepare and distribute an end-of-year report to Club Members and the incoming treasurer. Treasurers’ reports become part of the Club’s permanent record.

Public Relations Director

The Director of Public Relations’ primary role is to positively promote the Club and the causes we support to the wider community. 

Suggested responsibilities:

  • Develop a social media plan
  • Manage all social media accounts and Member community pages by:
    • Posting events
    • Posting event recaps
    • Cultivate community engagement
    • Replying to comments
    • Replying to private messages
    • Reposting pertinent Rotary and Rotaract information and events
  • Identify further opportunities to promote the Club 
  • Taking high-quality photos and videos at Club events, projects, and fundraisers.
  • Creating unique and colorful promotional materials and banners.

Membership Director

The Membership director’s primary role is to engage with new and returning Members to ensure Members’ needs are being met. 

Suggested responsibilities:

  • liaise with new Members to ensure they attend the required number of events within the time frame
  • induct new Members once the Member is approved by the Board 
  • follow up with new Members who miss a meeting
  • recognize Members for their achievements
  • perform periodic check-ins with less-active members 
  • report membership statistics to Rotary International and ClubRunner
  • track and monitor payment of membership dues and fees in cooperation with the Treasurer
  • Advertise the club and lead recruitment of new members

(amended June 2024)

Fellowship Director 

The fellowship director’s primary role is to plan club social events and promote good will and better friendship among members

Suggested responsibilities:

  • plan a minimum of four (4) Club socials per term
  • encourage new Members to invite their friends and family members to participate in Club activities and service projects
  • promote goodwill and better friendships within the club
  • oversee committees to check in on the good and well being of the members 
  • involve Members in Club projects and activities

Foundation Director

The Foundation Director primary role is to seek learning opportunities for Club Members, through inspirational or educational speakers or skills development courses.  

Suggested responsibilities:

  • Seek out potential speakers who could be of interest/benefit to our Club Members
  • Coordinate a speaker to attend and present at monthly business meetings 
  • Provide speaker profile to PR Director and secretary to advertise before the meeting
  • Seek our opportunities for courses that could be of interest/benefit to our Club Members
  • Organize A minimum of two (2) professional development courses per term

Community Service Director

The Director of Community Service’s primary role is to make a lasting impact by choosing service activities that work in collaboration with community Members and the recipients of service.

Suggested responsibilities:

  • Attend the Sponsor Rotary Club’s Community Service Meetings
  • Advise the Executive Board if a Sponsor Club requests our assistance with a community service project
  • Organize a minimum of four (4) community service and volunteer events per term

International Service Director

The Director of International Service’s primary role is connecting our Club with other Rotaractors and Rotarians around the world and fostering mutual support for our service and fundraising activities. 

Suggested responsibilities:

  • Participate in the “World of Rotaract” community
  • Participate in international campaigns and fundraisers in cooperation with other Clubs
  • Attend Sponsor Rotary Club’s International Service Committee meetings
  • Advise the Executive Board if a Sponsor Club requests our assistance with an international service project
  • Maintain the relationship with our sister Club, Pacific Beach Rotaract, in San Diego
  • Organize a minimum of two (2) international service projects per term

Rotary and Interact Director

The Director of Rotary and Interact Relationships’ primary role is to increase the Club’s interaction and collaboration with the Sponsor Club, and local Interact Clubs. 

Suggested responsibilities:

  • Attend Sponsor Club’s Youth Committee meetings
  • Report current and upcoming events of our Club to sponsor Clubs 
  • Invite sponsor Club to collaborate on, or attend our events
  • Advise the Executive Board if a Sponsor Club requests our assistance with a project
  • Keep open communication with sponsor Clubs’ youth liaison
  • Seek ways to collaborate with Interact and Rotary through joint events and projects.
  • Keep Club Members up to date on the process of staying compliant with Rotary guidelines relating to dealing with youth, as well as track Member compliance
  • Encourage Rotaractors to get involved with Interact, Rotary Youth Exchange, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), and other Rotary opportunities 


Addendum F – Table of Fees

Fee TypeCost (CAD)
Annual Membership Dues$40
New Member Administration Fee$20
Non-member Social Event Drop-in  Fee$10
Replacement Rotaract T-shirt$20
Replacement Rotaract Pin$15